Home Improvement
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- There is no foolproof way to protect your home against a break-in, as a determined thief will find a way, but certain steps will help deter it.
- The best way to start a basement remodel is to understand the important dos and don'ts before you begin.
- The main benefits of energy-efficient appliances include saving money on operating costs and utility bills and protecting the environment by conserving energy. Energy-efficient models save money with lower operating costs — using 30 to 50 percent less energy than many older appliances, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.
- Many tenants worry about getting their security deposits back. Having a professional service clean the unit after everyone has moved out is one way to help guarantee the unit will be clean and ready for inspection by the landlord.
- If you or your family are among the many Americans who move into a new home each year, these tips can help ease the transition.
- Is your budget squeezed by high electric bills? Put your house on an energy “diet.”
- Creating a beautiful home interior requires creativity and plenty of organization.
- Finding ways to be more energy efficient and eco-positive isn’t just good for the environment — it can be good for your home, your family and your bottom line.
- Consumers are eager to clean windows, blinds, curtains, clothing, closets & drawers: 72% of households spring clean every year, ACI survey shows.
- Did you know that easy-to-fix household leaks could waste at least 10,000 gallons of water per year (and 10 percent of your water bill)?
- When furniture shopping, keep storage and organization in mind. If you like a simple, clean design, then you are going to hate it cluttered with things. Make sure to choose pieces that will hold and organize the things you own.
- 10 tips to help you get organized.
- How can homeowners undo the mess and ensure their home is safe, clean, and livable once again?
- What never moves but disturbs your peace, eats up your time and fills your home with sneeze-inducing dust? It may sound like an elementary school riddle but it’s no joking matter when the answer is clutter.
- While winterizing our home may be a chore we rather skip, doing so can reduce heating costs and prevent disaster. Here is a breakdown of essential winterizing steps to take.
- In today’s fiscal climate, there is no shortage of often ill-qualified people offering to clean and restore your valuable possessions, but how do you determine who truly knows what they are doing – i.e., how do you tell the “Masters” from the “Jacks-of-all-Trades”? In a word: Certification.
- Each year, the average American home wastes more than 10,000 gallons of water on easy-to-fix household leaks.
- Life is full of surprises, and not all of them good! Depending on the severity of the incident, picking up the pieces and putting things back as they were can be a challenge many homeowners would rather avoid.
- Not every job requires professional assistance. However, when a professional is needed, not all professionals measure up. How can consumers choose whom to hire?
- Adding plants is a great way to spruce up your home, but if you share your home with a dog or cat, you’ll want to choose your plants carefully.