Green Cleaning
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- Product testing doesn’t have to be a complicated process or take much time, but it does need to be a planned and defined process with specific things to measure and reliable ways to measure them.
- P&G Professional is pleased to offer those who hold CEH and REH status from IEHA free online courses for CEU credits.
- Do homemade green cleaners disinfect? Antimicrobial Test Labs (ATL) puts one recipe to the test.
- TURI's lab tests whether vinegar is truly an effective germ killer.
- Encouraging your kids to pitch in with household chores can do more than help keep your house clean.
- In today’s fiscal climate, there is no shortage of often ill-qualified people offering to clean and restore your valuable possessions, but how do you determine who truly knows what they are doing – i.e., how do you tell the “Masters” from the “Jacks-of-all-Trades”? In a word: Certification.
- There are at least two things that can be done to create a clean and healthy indoor living environment.
- Not every job requires professional assistance. However, when a professional is needed, not all professionals measure up. How can consumers choose whom to hire?
- Room-by-room green cleaning and sustainable living tips for men (and women too).
- CRI's Seal of Approval (SOA) program uses precise science to test carpet cleaning products to help ensure certified products will get your carpets clean.
- Families are questioning the presence of chemical products in their homes and taking steps to replace them with healthier alternatives made from more benign ingredients.
- New phosphate-free dishwashing detergents use environmentally preferable, yet effective formulas for reducing scale and removing food residue.
- Disposers may offer more than just convenience. In several respects, they’re an environmentally responsible alternative to putting food waste in a landfill.
- Don't just throw away your used printer cartridges. Here are five ways you can dispose of your printer cartridges, keep them out of the landfill and reap benefits as well.
- Naturally, the best way to prevent odor is to eliminate its source (e.g., take out the garbage, smoke or keep pets outside, etc.), but what about existing odors already permeating your home?
- It is time to bring in a professional carpet cleaning service. But which one? Selecting the right professional can make all the difference in maintaining a clean and healthy home environment.
- Small changes in the way you choose cleaning products can make your housecleaning more green and sustainable.
- It is important to keep safety in mind as you begin your spring cleaning and gardening.
- The IICRC provides a consumer referral service to locate trained and certified cleaning and restoration firms and technicians.