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Speed Cleaning 101

By Laura Dellutri

Speed Cleaning 101 by Laura Dellutri

Publisher Info


1716 Locust Street

Des Moines, IA  50309-3023 USA


Speed Cleaning 101 teaches you how to:


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  • Wash dishes 50% faster (No pre-rinsing off food before the dishwasher? How can this be true?)
  • Clean a 2,000 square foot home in less than 2 hours!
  • Cut your vacuuming time in half with vacuums that pick up everything from bolts to Barbie shoes, with no bending required!
  • Clean and disinfect your entire bathroom in 10 minutes or less!
  • Get your spouse and children motivated to clean with the TELL-SHOW-DO rule.
  • Put a little glamour in your cleaning! Move over Carol Burnett and Hazel, you don't have to break into a sweat and get all dirty to do a good job cleaning with the tools that do all the back breaking work for you.
  • Learn to mop and sanitize your floor in less than 5 minutes!
  • Remove black skid marks from your floors with an ordinary rubber eraser!
  • Use products other than vinegar that deteriorates finishes on your wood and vinyl floors.
  • Clean your 15 foot ceiling fan in less than 5 minutes WITHOUT a ladder!
Speed Cleaning 101 by Laura Dellutri:  Created on November 24th, 2005.  Last Modified on November 24th, 2005


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