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It's All Too Much

By Peter Walsh

Categories: Organizing, Motivation
It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh

Publisher Info

Simon & Schuster Inc.

1230 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY  10020 USA


It's All Too Much, by Peter Walsh, takes you step-by-step to de-clutter your home, organize your possessions, and reclaim your life. It goes beyond color-coded boxes and storage bin solutions, and shows you how to reexamine your priorities and let go of the physical and emotional clutter that's weighing you down. It's All Too Much helps you go room-by-room and access what gives quality to your life or clutters it. It's has real-life examples and advice for all types of homes and personalities.


It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh:  Created on January 12th, 2008.  Last Modified on January 12th, 2008


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