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The Secret Life of Germs

By Philip M. Tierno Jr, Ph.D.

Categories: Health & Safety
The Secret Life of Germs by Philip M. Tierno Jr, Ph.D.

Publisher Info

Simon & Schuster

1230 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY  10020 USA


The Secret Life Of Germs provides an inside view of the fascinating and elegantly ordered microscopic world of germs that cause diseases such as: the common cold, E. coli, and Lyme disease, encephalitis, mad cow disease, anthrax, and others.


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It takes readers on a historical survey of the culprits of disease and explores the effect that they have had on our world. It offers numerous protective response strategies -- health and hygiene tips for inside and outside the home, advice on food safety, and pointers on safer human contact -- in order to stop the transmitting of disease.


The Secret Life of Germs by Philip M. Tierno Jr, Ph.D.:  Created on September 17th, 2007.  Last Modified on September 17th, 2007


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