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Battle of the Chores

By Dave Ramsey

Battle of the Chores by Dave Ramsey

Publisher Info

Lampo Press

1749 Mallory Lane, Suite 100

Brentwood, TN  37027 USA

(888) 227-3223

Callers to “The Dave Ramsey Show” said, “Dave, I wish I knew this stuff years ago!” What better time to learn money principles than when you are a child? That’s why financial counselor and best-selling author Dave Ramsey developed the "Life Lessons with Junior" series, to teach basic principles about money and life. In Battle of the Chores, Junior learns that being in debt to someone is NOT FUN! This story teaches your children the value of working for money and the disadvantages of borrowing money.


Battle of the Chores by Dave Ramsey:  Created on February 15th, 2007.  Last Modified on February 15th, 2007


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