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HELP! Around the House

By Don Aslett

Categories: Motivation
HELP! Around the House by Don Aslett

Publisher Info

Adams Media

57 Littlefield Street

Avon, MA  02322 USA


With this clever and groundbreaking guide, parents no longer have to spend all their time and energy cleaning house and picking up after the kids. This essential homecare book from America’s #1 cleaning expert outlines specific strategies that really work, including how to:


  • Involve the entire family, from the baby to the Big Guy
  • Teach kids the basics of cleaning and clutter control
  • Make clean-up fun
  • Win over everyone — from the rebellious adolescent to the tenacious toddler
  • Get those most critical jobs and chores done, no matter how busy the family
  • Cut maintenance to a minimum

ISBN: 1-59337-508-5
Retail $9.95 ($14.95 Canada)

HELP! Around the House by Don Aslett:  Created on June 11th, 2006.  Last Modified on July 2nd, 2010


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