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Do I Dust or Vacuum First? 2nd Ed.

By Don Aslett

Do I Dust or Vacuum First? 2nd Ed. by Don Aslett

Publisher Info

Marsh Creek Press

P.O. Box 700

Pocatello, ID  83204 USA


Readers learn the answers to all kind of questions in Don Aslett’s masterpiece, Do I Dust or Vacuum First? In an entertaining question-and-answer format, Don offers practical, inexpensive solutions that allow readers to maximize their energy, streamline their efforts, and get any job done in half the time. Readers also learn cleaning prevention and anticlutter strategies, thereby earning more free time for themselves. With this revised and updated second edition as their guide, readers will be sitting pretty on their clean couches in their clean living rooms in no time!


Do I Dust or Vacuum First? 2nd Ed. by Don Aslett:  Created on January 20th, 2006.  Last Modified on January 17th, 2023


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