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Spring Cleaning To-Do's You May Forget

By HC Staff

Carpet cleaning, wall scrubbing, window cleaning – you know the usual drill when it comes to tasks that need to be done come spring. Here are a few jobs you may not have thought of doing when you're spring cleaning (and articles on how to tackle these chores).


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  • To prevent fires, give your dryer vent a good cleaning and ensure it's venting outside.
  • Wash winter clothing and bedding before storing.
  • Move the refrigerator out and clean behind and underneath it.
  • Open the windows to deodorize stale air naturally.
  • Clean ceiling and light fixtures


If you don't have time to spring clean, try incorporating one of these tasks into each week's routine. For instance, on week one try the first step in this list. Then on week two try the second step, and so on. Pretty soon you'll have all your periodic chores done without having dedicated a whole week to cleaning.

Additional References:

Spring Cleaning No Longer a Necessary Evil
Redefining Spring Cleaning


(Note: The views expressed in this blog post are those of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of The Housekeeping Channel, LLC.)

Spring Cleaning To-Do's You May Forget:  Created on March 21st, 2011.  Last Modified on March 23rd, 2011