Earlier this month, I wrote about planning a spring garden as one way to ward off the winter doldrums. But bringing living plants into your home can also provide a respite from gray days outdoors.

Certain types of plants may be effective at removing pollutants from the air in your home. Find out which ones are best and how many you need in Houseplants That Clean Your Indoor Air. For another viewpoint, see: Houseplants - Do They Help Indoor Air Quality?
The plants you already have may benefit from a quick pick-me-up. Although you’ll want to go easy on food and water when they’re dormant, a nice bath once-in-a-while won’t hurt most plants. Find out how to do it (and what not to do) in Tips for Cleaning Your Houseplants.
(Note: The views expressed in this blog post are those of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of The Housekeeping Channel, LLC.)