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Save Big by Switching Toilet Paper

By HC Staff

We don’t even want to know their testing methodology for this one, but the good people at Consumer Reports have done it again. Apparently, there isn’t anything they won’t test to help consumers get the best deal…and although we're amused, we're also grateful. Believe it or not, Consumer Reports says you can Save Up to $130 a Year by Switching Toilet Paper!


blog continues below ↓

And while we’re on the subject, did you know that someone finally did a survey to find out who’s more passionate about which way the toilet paper unrolls? It seems that men are actually pickier (which is precisely why they should be the ones to change the roll.) Read it for yourself in The Way America Rolls May Surprise You. It won’t help you solve any household arguments, but it sure might explain some things.



(Note: The views expressed in this blog post are those of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of The Housekeeping Channel, LLC.)

Save Big by Switching Toilet Paper:  Created on July 19th, 2010.  Last Modified on June 12th, 2014