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Organize Your Car!

Is your car your office, restaurant and kid's playroom? Are there ancient Cheerios stuck in your cushions? Does Rover's slobber cover the windows? Is your garage looking pretty good now that most of its contents are in your car? If so, it may be time to restore order to your vehicle.


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Here are some practical tips to keep your car organized:

  • Set a monthly appointment on your calendar to de-trash and deep clean your car. Monthly or quarterly, pamper your car with a wash and interior clean at a nearby car wash.

  • Carry handy wipes made especially for cars within reach so you can mop up messes and keep your vehicle pleasant.

  • Recruit all family members to be responsible for removing what they bring in to the car. If they leave it, they lose it. (Obviously, babies and small children must be assisted!)

  • Before you undertake another soccer game or wild weekend, force yourself to remove the gear from the last event.

  • Put in one or two garbage cans or bags in your car to collect trash.

  • Use over-the-seat organizers to keep maps, umbrellas, gloves and other essentials at hand.

  • Consider crates, boxes or cargo organizers to keep your trunk's contents organized by type.

  • No matter how tired you are at the end of the night, bring in an armful of car clutter. You'll be glad you did.

Editor’s note: Anchor all tools and organizers firmly. Anything that can fly during an accident will do so.



Organize Your Car!:  Created on May 1st, 2006.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014


About Vicki Norris

Vicki Norris

Vicki Norris, President of Restoring Order® is recognized as an expert in the field of Professional Organizing. She is a featured expert on HGTV's Mission: Organization, the host of a regular monthly organizing segment on AM Northwest, a motivational public speaker, organizing products designer, and a published author. This Article is ©Vicki Norris (all rights reserved). Learn more at the Restoring Order Web site: