If you have tile shower walls, there is a very good possibility that a leak could develop between the tile and the tub. As the house moves (a natural process that occurs in every home), a hairline crack can occur that allows water to get into the joint. Once water gets in, there is no telling how much damage can be done. That's why it's important to annually caulk the connection between your shower walls and the tub or shower pan. Before re-caulking, remove existing caulk so that you can start from scratch.

After the caulk has softened (it may take a few hours), remove it with a plastic putty knife. Clean the joint with paint thinner and wipe the area dry with a clean rag.
Then clean the joint with this famous mildew cleaner:
- Add 1 quart of liquid chlorine bleach to 3 quarts of warm water.
- Add 1/3 cup of powdered laundry detergent.
- Mix thoroughly and place in a spray bottle.
- Spray the mixture onto the mildewed area. Let it sit until the black mildew turns white. Rinse with fresh water.
Although this mixture is mild, don't forget to wear gloves and eye protection and make sure the area is well ventilated. Make sure the detergent you use is ammonia free. Mixing bleach with a solution containing ammonia can release a dangerous gas harmful to your lungs.
Immediately after eradicating the mildew, use a hair dryer or a hot air gun to thoroughly dry out the area. The joint can now be re-caulked.Use a roll of blue painter's masking tape for a professional-looking job. Apply the tape to the tub 1/8-inch from the joint. Next, apply another strip of tape along the wall, 1/8-inch from the joint. Now the caulking will go between the two pieces of tape, making straight, smooth lines.
Apply tub and tile caulk into the joint and smooth it with your finger, an old teaspoon or a caulking spreader. Immediately remove the tape by pulling it out and away from the freshly caulked joint. Be careful not to touch the caulk. Let it dry. You simply won't believe how beautiful your job will look.
Adapted With Permission From:
Home Maintenance for Dummies
Home Maintenance for Dummies. Copyright © 2000 & Trademark by Wiley Publishing. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. For Dummies is a trademark or registered trademark of Wiley Publishing, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Used by permission.
From Dummies.com. Dummies.com is owned and operated by Wiley Publishing, Inc. Copyright © 2005 Wiley Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.