Set your sights a little higher in your vacuuming goals. It will do more than you think:
- Improve your room's outlook by cleaning your windows. Don't forget to vacuum window sills and molding. There's no need to dry clean drapes if they're just dusty. Just vacuum them while they're still hanging.
- Start at the top of the room and work your way down. Use a vacuum attachment to clean fan blades and remove dust wisps hanging in ceiling corners. Attachments can help you dust picture frames and light fixtures efficiently — even lampshades. Dust all surfaces before cleaning the floor.
- It's important to start with the right tools. The right vacuum cleaner and its proper use can extend a carpet's life expectancy. Built-up dirt acts like sandpaper, slowly wearing down a carpet.
- It's also best to get a vacuum that has an efficient filtration system.
- Don't forget to vacuum upholstered furniture since dirt can grind into furniture and wear it down, the same way it does carpets.
Vacuuming Tips: High and Low Cleaning: Created on February 2nd, 2005. Last Modified on January 21st, 2014