As an exclusive to the Housekeeping Channel, we asked Dr. William E. Berger — one of the nation's foremost experts on allergies and asthma — to share the top 10 things you should know before using household cleaning chemicals. Here are Dr. Berger's tips:
- According to Environmental Protection Agency studies, indoor air can contain as much as 70 times the pollution of outdoor air.
- Most people spend 90 percent of their time indoors, 60 percent of that time at home.
- Indoor air quality is far more dangerous to human health than outdoor air quality.
- A major contributor to indoor air pollution is the large number of household chemical cleaning products found in most home cabinets.
- Wheezing in children has been associated with high levels of household chemical cleaning products.
- Chlorine bleach used as a powerful cleaner and whitener in the laundry room, bath, and kitchen can, if misused, cause inflammation of the sinuses and airways of the lungs.
- Volatile organic compounds (VOC's) — chemical irritants found in a variety of cleaning products — are known to trigger asthma attacks.
- Fragrances added to cleaners can cause asthma sufferers with irritated airways to experience worsened symptoms when exposed to these substances.
- Many cleaning alternatives are available that are safer for individuals with asthma and other allergic conditions.
- Even small changes made to improve indoor air quality can make a significant difference for people with respiratory problems.