Q: I have a marble polishing problem. When I am polishing with a powder the marble gets a dull, wavy appearance and sometimes looks rough and dimpled. What's going on?
A: You are describing what is known as "orange peel". Orange peel is the result of using too much
acid on the marble. In other words, most marble polishing powders contain
acid and you are either using too much powder or working the powder too long. When you start polishing apply a small amount and work it for several minutes, making sure to check it often by pulling the slurry back with a
window squeegee. If a shine is not being produced, fight the urge to add more powder. First work the powder a little longer before adding more powder. This should prevent orange peel. If you should happen to orange peel the marble you will need to re-hone the marble to remove the dimpling. Orange peel cannot be removed with more powder. You will find that it is very easy to orange peel certain types of marble. Negro marquina, crema marfil and other soft
marbles are easily orange peeled.
Dull Marble Dilemma: Created on October 8th, 2004. Last Modified on January 21st, 2014
About Fred Hueston

Frederick M. Hueston, PhD, CSI (The National Training Center for Stone & Masonry Trades) is the director of The National Training Center for Stone and Masonry Trades. He is an internationally recognized stone and tile consultant and the author of over 27 books and numerous articles on stone and tile. He is also the technical editor for Stone World Magazine. Mr. Hueston is available for consulting, inspections etc. His complete bio can be found at www.ntc-stone.com.