IEHA shares three top tips for home cleaning:

Declutter First
Use three large, lightweight plastic laundry tubs, heavy duty garden bags or other easy-to-carry containers, and quickly gather everything out of place into categories of “throw away”, “put away”, “give away” – Place these in the garage or other holding area so they are out of your way. Clutter is the enemy of simple housekeeping. This only takes 10-30 minutes but saves hours.
Resolve to Dissolve
Pre-spray water-resistant kitchen and bathroom surfaces and allow the solution to work before wiping or scrubbing. Allowed to set, most cleaners work best with very little scrubbing needed. Also, disinfectants must stay wet on surfaces for several minutes to be effective. This boosts cleaning speed by 70%.
Contain Don’t Strain
Use a vacuum cleaner that is lightweight but also removes and contains dust well. By using a lightweight vacuum with HEPA-level containment (or a central vac that exhausts dust outside), you can clean more quickly with less strain and reduce dusting by 50% (vacuums that contain rather than redistribute dust to other surfaces cut your overall cleaning and follow-up dusting big-time).